JULY 27, 2017
BY Bacon & Stilton Sandwich Recipe
Perhaps a sandwich with an acquired taste, filled with a strong blue cheese and a sour caramelized onion chutney. Top it off with bacon and lettuce and suddenly it just works.
This is a bacon and blue cheese sandwich made with crumbled up stilton, mixed in with mayonnaise to make spread that works wonders with bacon.
Its then combined with a spread of caramelized red onion chutney and a leaf of crunchy Iceberg lettuce in a wholemeal bread.
7 MIN.
2 Wholemeal bread slices
60g Tesco counter Blue Stilton, crumbled
2 Unsmoked back bacon rashers
1 tbsp. Hellmann's Real Mayonnaise
1 tbsp. caramelized red onion chutney
1 Iceberg lettuce leaf
Before you do anything else, pop 2 bacon rashers in a grill pan - no oil - and cook for 3 minutes on each side using a spatula to press down - then set aside to cool
Now add a tablespoon of mayonnaise to a mixing bowl, along with 60g (about 2 tablespoons) of crumbled up blue cheese - mixing both ingredients thoroughly
On one slice of wholemeal bread spread on all your blue cheese and mayonnaise mixing, doing your best to spread out to the edges and corners
On the second slice of wholemeal bread spread out one tablespoon of caramelized red onion chutney, again spreading out to the edges
Pop your 2 cold bacon rashers directly on the blue cheese and then your Iceberg leaf on top of that, ripping it up if needed to cover the bread evenly
Finally, pop your sandwich in the refrigerator for 1 hour, cut in half diagonally and serve