How to Caramelize Red Onions
Make a step up from your regular fried hot dog onions to these sweet tasting, caramelized red onions that go wonderful with steak and sausages in crusty rolls.
All you really need to do is heat up a little olive oil in the frying pan, add a tablespoon of balsamic vinegar and brown sugar - stirring for 20 minutes - until the onions have lightly browned.
These instructions are not restricted to how to caramelize 'red onion' but if you desire it works exactly the same if you were to caramelize brown onions.
But caramelized red onions look so much more appetizing with a vibrant color.
Calories: 638 Fat: 31.8g Salt: 0.8g Carbs: 72.8g Protein: 9.8g Fibre: 11.2g Energy: 2641kJSERVING SUGGESTIONS
Serve these caramelized red onions in a ciabatta roll with a medium cooked steak or sausages.
You could also try a posh hot dog and replace your yellow onions with these caramelized onions.